Cindy B. Wells

Writing steamy romance into your day

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5 Stars for Hard as Mason

Oh, joy of joys when a writer sees the top rating of a 5-star review! That’s the high mark given to Hard as Mason by reviewer Leslie Clifford from Sexyways of Reading.

Here’s what Leslie had to say about the book:

If you are looking for a leisurely read then this book is not for you. This book will require you to block out several hours of your day because you will not be able to put this one down. This was an amazing book.

This was a sweet, sexy romance between the two main characters and then bam!! Drama Drama Drama. The ending is heart stopping and I can’t wait for book two. Great read!

–Leslie Clifford, book reviewer for Sexyways of Reading


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As part of the book review, Sexyways included an author interview with 20 fun facts. Find out everything from my favorite book, to more spicy items such as my thoughts on using condoms in romance novels.

Read the entire review by clicking here.